If your squad member is crossing a river and you simply forget about him in the thick of battle, he will drown.

This is quite a feat, for there are several hazards abound the game world, not just the enemies’ fire. The object is to mow down your enemies while staying alive. This sound confusing to you? The game actually features a boot camp to get you used to the controls and setup, something console games didn’t really have when this was released.

With the commando team, you have direct control of their movement instead of controlling your members with cursor. You can control where your troop run too and who they shoot at. With the five member team, you control your troops in a Starcraft-esque sort of way. Each battle is only one screen, so no scrolling and no chance of losing focus on your crew. Once you pick your squad, you are thrust immediately into battle. There are five different solider types with different ranges of attack: a machine gunner, a grenade thrower, a dynamite expert, a bazooka launcher, and a flame thrower. Before each battle, you are a choice of four different squads, three of them a team of five members and one team of “commandos” with only two members. For a strategy game, it’s quite simple: Two warring parties do battle on different terrain such as forests, deserts, and cities, all in the name of total conquest (in campaign mode anyway).